Well… it looks like I’ll be headed back to the fabric store today. I decided to modify the costume for Jesus’ ceremonial robe, so that’s why I’m headed back.
I’m short about one yard (the director wants the robe to have a hood). Since I need it ASAP, I’ve decided to purchase the fabric locally at JoAnn Fabrics. These days, most of my fabric is purchased online I can find better deals and much better quality fabric at reasonable prices.
Fabric Mart, is one of my favorite places to purchase fabric online. It has great customer service, nice selection of fabric and a quick turnaround time. It helps that the fabric store is located in Pennsylvania.
The good news is that I should be finished the Passion Play costumes today! Yesterday, I received my vintage skirt marker. It’s in like new condition. Oh, I’m really loving my chakoner, I’ll have to write a post about that soon, and of course, take pictures of the lines it makes.
Tomorrow, I most likely will start creating my daughters Easter dress. I purchased some lovely fabric from Fabric Mart, I just haven’t had a chance to post a picture showing the fabric.
I had to yahoomap the town! It’s roughly 5 hours from me! 🙂
From Baltimore it’s about 5 hours and 20 mins – not sure how close to Baltimore you are tho!
Jennifer recently posted..Leftovers, Vegan Mexican Casserole, Winnings, Reviews
@Jennifer, When it comes to shipping anything from the neighboring states, I tend to get my items within a day. Fabric Mart ships their fabric via Federal Express.
Aynaria recently posted..…And that’s a wrap!