Volunteering: People will judge you by your actions…

Quilters June2011 1

Say hello to the quilting group where I’m the newest member.

The above picture was taken last year. I wasn’t a member then. However, it includes some of the ladies that are part of the quilting group. We meet each Monday for three hours. It’s a great time of fellowship, and it gives me a chance to do something crafty… sewing. I learned how to sew when I was seven.

“We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions.”

Many of us have the best intentions when it comes to serving others, but how many of us follow through? If we don’t watch out, we can easily forget the promises we’ve made.

Since my parents have always been active in helping others (even when the early years when they were poor themselves) I try to make an effort and give back to those who might not be as fortunate as myself.

Helping others, is something I strongly believe in, and it’s something I put into action since I was a child. My parents are great role models. The days when I struggled financially. I still helped others. I look back on my early twenties quite fondly. You should see some of the recipes I came up with then — however I survived.

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In todays quilting group, I managed to take a few photos. The majority of our time together is spent working, but we do manage to squeeze in conversation too. Because of the groups friendly nature, it gives everyone a chance to get to know one another — and to form genuine friendships too.

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As the newest of this group, there are times when I’m in the spotlight. It’s natural, they want to learn about me and so I’ve been happily weaving in bits of my daughter and my life into the conversation. Because of their friendliness, it didn’t take long for me to feel like one of the group, and so I look forward to my Monday quilting sessions.

Next Monday, one of the ladies is going to help me with my crochet. In the top photo, do you see the tall lady to your right with the sunglasses? Yep, she’s the one that will be helping me. She’s German, and I enjoy chatting with her. She’s told me a few stories of her country.

What’s brought these wonderful ladies together? A common desire to help those less fortunate. I’d say its even more fulfilling, because of the friendships that have been made. They’ve effectively turned their belief, of helping others, into action.

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What a beautiful group of people. And looks like two lovely quilts in the making. That quote about how people judge us. If only our politicians will learn from that. Too many good intentions but no actions, as evidenced today.
philip recently posted..Desperately seeking number 14


I’m glad to see that you went back a second time and are enjoying yourself. It is great that you can do your thing and help along the way and make new friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you –
Karen recently posted..Design Wall Monday


I’ve seen some very nice quilts that people make, real exquisite tapestry and no doubt, very expensive. When I was small, my mum used to make but with very simple symmetrical patterns only…but they were no less treasured and we used them as blankets till they were tattered and torn.
suituapui recently posted..From the hills…


[…] problem…I haven’t crocheted in years. Last week I told one of the ladies from my quilting group that I wanted to pick up crochet again  She immediately told me to bring my hook and yarn the […]


What a lovely bunch of ladies!!! 🙂
I soooo wish I had local crafting buddies! 🙂
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[…] mornings, I normally go to a quilting group (which is part of one of the many small group ministries offered at the Lutheran church where […]


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