Fun with Raw foods

For myself, there’s nothing like biting into a ripe peach, juicy tomato, or munching on some dark leafy greens; pure heaven!

We eat plenty of raw foods in our household. I’ve always enjoyed eating foods fresh from the garden. The flavor is miles ahead of what you find in the grocery store. I realize that I’m fortunate to be able to have a garden filled with organic produce.

The beauty of gardening is that you don’t need a lot of area to grow vegetables, so even if your in an urban setting you can have a garden, it just won’t be as big.

Colorful vegetables

Raw food made easy

A  few years ago, I decided to go raw for thirty days. no reason really, it’s something I never tried, and I wanted to eat lighter meals. Eating raw foods was the perfect option.  I’d already eating a lot of raw foods, and I thought it would be interesting to see how I’d manage during that month. Well, a month turned into a year. Initially, it was challenging creating food in a different way, but I soon learned simple is best;  occasionally I’d make elaborate raw food meals, but they were rare.

Over the course of a year, my eyes were open to numerous raw food delicious dishes that I prepared while experimenting in the kitchen.

When I gradually started introducing cooked foods into my eating lifestyle, my raw food pasta maker, Kitchen Aid food processor, and Vita Mix blender, received a permanent spot in the kitchen; because they are amazing.  Six years later, and those machines are still doing well. Foods that are constantly in our rotation are raw collard wraps, vegetable pasta, raw sandwiches, and a variety of homemade butters; raw almond butter is my favorite.

I’ve always had a lot of energy, I did notice an increase while I ate only raw foods, which amazed my friends, since they know the amount of energy I had before. Afterwards, my love for dark leafy greens increased, and you could actively find me trying to include raw or lightly steamed portions into my daily routine.

These days, I still eat a high amount of raw foods, but I have been thinking about eating only raw food for a time. During that time, I’ll share some of the recipes here at Celebrate Life. Today, I believe I’ll be making some type of raw food pasta dish, and so I’ll be sure to take a few photos of whatever I create.

In other news…

WordPress: Disappearing comments

Ghost animated

It appears like some of my WordPress comments have disappeared. Uh oh! Crochet and knitting diva, Nicole, and a brand-new reader (who’s name I can’t remember offhand) have gone missing. After a lot of research it seems that I’ll need to log into phpMyAdmin and repair the comments database, and so I’ll be taking care of that later today.

Once repaired, the comments that disappeared should reappear. Yeah!

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It’s super nuts that I’m reading this post today after I committed yesterday to get back into raw food eating. After just a week of eating differently, taking my vitamins and going to bed on time, I was a beast this weekend past. Lots of energy to get things done — crafty and non crafty and it felt good.

I can’t wait to see pics of your raw food pasta!
Nicky recently posted..Magic Loop Baby!!!!!

Leanne Warren

Raw food is always best specially when you are traveling and it is also good to maintain a complete diet.


It’s difficult for me to eat only raw foods and I was checking out Garden of Life’s Raw Meal shakes. Every heard about them or used them? Thought it might help me bridge the gap a bit.

Edward@Miami Homes

Some advantages of eating raw food is that, raw foods have more flavor than cooked foods so there is no need to add salt, sugar, spices, or other condiments that can irritate your digestion system or over stimulate other organs.


I am really looking forward to the produce from our garden this year. Reading this post today has me very excited! 🙂


I know I couldn’t live without my Kitchen Aid stand mixer (and miss my food processor– but lost the space for it on the counter top– too little space!)
erika recently posted..A Perfect San Francisco Weekend


We eat a lot of vegetables raw (or blanched) here with a dip made of dried prawn paste. We call it “ulam” – our version of the salad…and we eat fish raw as well – like the Japanese.
suituapui recently posted..Somebody that I used to know…

Bea@W South Beach

@suituapui, they call it jumping salad right? One of my Filipino friend made this when we visit her house, it’s not my type of food but it do taste good.

@opal, you had a nice blog, I’m just started to eat raw food 🙂


[…] didn’t get around to making any raw food pasta yet…but I have raw veggie wraps, raw soup, and made some fruit, and vegetable […]

[…] Raw foods have been the only thing I’ve eaten for a few days, and I must say I’m enjoying the break from cooked foods. […]

Phil@healthy soup maker

It’s suprising how much raw food is available and the many ways that you can make a good meal, but i think a cooked meal would be my preferance but i congratulate you on sticking to raw food for a year

Tom@survival gear list

Eating raw food is truly fun. It is the old way of survival back in the old days like caveman do. They survived for longer years than nowadays. It is better to plant vegetables that can be eaten raw. I really love this topic. It is very useful. Keep up the good work.
Tom@survival gear list recently posted..Finding Your Perfect Emergency Food Supply

Charles@72 Hour Kit

I really love this topic. Eating raw foods has been a lifestyle for some people which is healthier than the processed food nowadays. It is still full of nutrition to keep our body fit.
Charles@72 Hour Kit recently posted..72 Hour Suvival Kit Necessities